Android - Kernel, Modules, and the Emulator
After cumbersome reading, a bunch of not so good howtos, and a lot of plain wrong information I finally got it right. This will explain how I got the following to work: Getting the toolchain for building an Android kernel Getting the correct kernel to use with the emulator Compiling the kernel for the emulator Compiling a loadable kernel module (LKM) for the emulator 1. Getting the toolchain for building an Android kernel The first thing is to the the Android NDK from and place it somewhere. For me its: ~/android-sdks/android-ndk-r4 2. Getting the correct kernel to use with... read more
02 Mar 2012 | android, kernelRSS up and running
After some very minimal fiddeling I now got a working RSS feed. I simply had to put the below <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" title="RSS .92" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom 0.3" href="" /> into my default layout _layouts/default.liquid read more
07 Dec 2011 | jekyll, rssDomain ready, vserver running & jekyll somewhat understood
Today I finally got some stuff working. The domain registered rented vserver @ greatnet Dug into static page generator such as hyde and jekyll - went with jekyll My sever is currently running on CentOS and using lighttpd :) read more
27 Nov 2011 | jekyll, vserver, domain1st try using jekyll
afd This is some text. ### does this matter? more text read more
27 Nov 2011 | jekyll